Hello, everyone. I’m Shanna Wells, Chair of the British Association of Barbershop Singers. I’m coming to you today with an important message about the future of our organisation and how you can make a real difference.
BABS thrives because of its incredible community of volunteers. From organising events to managing communications, supporting our choruses, and shaping our future, volunteers are at the heart of everything we do.
But right now, we’re facing a challenge. Several key roles in BABS have been vacant for months. This is starting to impact our ability to plan and deliver the events and services that matter most to our members.
I know that taking on a volunteer role can feel like a big ask, especially if you’re balancing it with work, family, and singing commitments. That’s why we’ve taken steps to make it easier for you to get involved.
For example, one of our biggest vacancies has been the Events Director role—a critical position for planning our conventions and other activities. To encourage more applications, we’ve broken this role into smaller, more manageable positions. These new roles require fewer skills, less experience, and take less time, making them perfect for anyone looking to contribute without feeling overwhelmed.
We’re also looking for our next Vice-Chair—a role that’s vital to the leadership of BABS. The Vice-Chair helps guide the organisation, often taking on a project of personal interest, and is guaranteed an interview for the Chair role at the end of their term.
This is a fantastic opportunity for someone who’s passionate about shaping the future of BABS and wants to make a lasting impact on our community.
I’ll be honest with you - these vacancies can’t remain unfilled. Without passionate, committed people stepping forward, some of the opportunities and experiences that make BABS so special are at risk.
The good news is, you can help us change this. We have a wide range of roles available—many of which have been specifically designed to fit around your schedule and skillset.
You might be thinking, ‘I’m not sure I have the skills,’ or ‘I’m too busy.’ But trust me, we’ll support you every step of the way, and many roles are flexible enough to fit around your other commitments.
Volunteering is a wonderful way to meet new people, develop new skills, and make a lasting impact on the barbershop community we all love.
If you’ve ever thought about getting more involved, now is the time. Please visit singbarbershop.com/volunteer to learn more about the roles we need to fill. If you’re unsure where you might fit, just get in touch—we’d love to hear from you.
BABS has always been about harmony—not just in music, but in the way we come together to create something greater than ourselves. Let’s keep that harmony strong.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to contribute, and I can’t wait to see what we can achieve together.