Induction into the BABS Hall of Fame

The most prestigious award available to any BABS Club Member is an induction into the BABS Hall of Fame. This is awarded to a BABS Club Member or ensemble who, over a significant period of time, has made an outstanding contribution to the Association on a National and/or International level. This could be for artistic or administrative contributions, with the guiding principle that the recipient has made a lasting difference to the Association and its members.

Award: Framed metal plaque, pin badge, listing on the BABS website.

Receiving the award: The award will be made during a prominent moment at an appropriate BABS event, where every effort will be made to ensure the recipient will be present to receive the award in person. If desired, the recipient may give an acceptance speech to the assembled group.

Nominations: sent in confidence to the Director of Membership by any BABS Club member. The nominator should describe the contribution of the nominee, and why they believe they are worthy of the award.

Awarding panel: BABS Board of Trustees

Examples: Some examples of individuals deserving of this award could include:

  • Someone who has had a large impact on the formation and continued success of the Association
  • Someone who has achieved national/international recognition as a performer or director
  • Someone who has gone above and beyond as an educator, having an impact upon a significant proportion of the Associations membership
  • Someone who has served the Association at a national level over a number of years with distinction, for example as a judge, board member or educator
  • Someone who has become a “household name” in the world of British barbershop due to their service to the Association.

What makes this different to Local Hero Award? This award is for those who have made a considerable impact to the Association as a whole, at a National and/or International level. The Local Hero Award award is for someone who has had a considerable impact on their club or region at a local level.

What makes this different to the BABS Barbershopper of the Year Awards? Whilst the contributions to the Association as a whole may be similar, the differentiator for an Induction to the Hall of Fame is that the contribution has occurred over a significant period of time.

Hall of Fame Lifetime Achievement Awards

  • Linda Corcoran (2024)
  • Alan Hughes (2024)
  • Chris Tideman (2024)
  • Donn Roberts (2024)
  • Barry Clinton (2024)
  • Alan Bithell (2022)
  • Derek Parmenter (2021)
  • Neil Firth (2021)
  • Brian Schofield (2019)
  • Duncan Whinyates (2019)
  • Alan Goldsmith (2018)
  • Chas Owen (2018)
  • Dick Knight (2014)
  • Laurie Whittle (2014)
  • Mike Lofthouse (2013)
  • Dale Kynaston (2013)
  • Stuart Lines (2012)
  • Jon Conway (2012)
  • Eddie Kidby (2009)
  • Len Matthews (2009)
  • John Batty (2004)
  • Rod Butcher (2004)
  • Paul Davies (2004)
  • Roy Dawson (2004)
  • John Grant (2004)
  • Gerry Holland (2004)
  • Alan Johnson (2004)
  • Peter May (2004)
  • Barry Nowell (2004)
  • Rhiannon Owens-Hall (2004)
  • Laurie Peters (2004)
  • Pete Powell (2004)
  • Graham Starkie (2004)
  • Tony Searle (2004)
  • Ian Taylor (2004)
  • Bob Walker (2004)
  • Neil Watkins (2004)
  • John Wiggins (2004)

Hall of Fame Group Recognition Awards

  • The Cambridge Chord Company (2022)
  • Monkey Magic (2019)
  • Crawley Chordsmen (2011)
  • By Appointment Quartet (2009)

Hall of Fame Posthumous Awar

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