We’re excited to introduce the BABS WhatsApp Community—a brand-new way for members to stay connected, share ideas, and engage with fellow barbershoppers across the organisation.

What is the BABS WhatsApp Community?

The WhatsApp Community brings together different conversations into one central space, making it easier than ever to keep up with BABS news, ask questions, and chat with others who share your passion for barbershop singing.

Why Join?

🎢 Stay Updated – Get the latest BABS news and announcements straight to your phone.
πŸ’¬ Join the Conversation – Discuss everything from singing tips to upcoming events.
πŸ‘₯ Connect with Fellow Members – Chat with barbershoppers from across the UK and beyond.

How to Join

It’s easy to become part of the community! Simply click the link below on your phone and follow the instructions to get started:

Join the BABS WhatsApp Community

You can also scan the QR code below.

We look forward to welcoming you—see you in the chat! 🎡

BABS WhatsApp Community
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation | Registered Charity No: 1080930 | 1st Floor, Arthur Stanley House, 40-50 Tottenham Street, London W1T 4RN
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